30% CBD Oil Full Spectrum Oils Lucky Hemp
30% CBD Oil Full Spectrum Oils Lucky Hemp
30% CBD Oil Full Spectrum Oils Lucky Hemp

30% CBD oil full spectrum

  • Unique procedure worldwide
  • Contain at least 3000mg CBD
  • Full spectrum of plant substances
Lucky Hemp Payments
  • Free shipping from 69 €
  • Neutral sender
  • Free return
  • Premium quality
30% CBD oil full spectrum Lucky Hemp Terpene profile (notes)
A special oil, which you will not find again in the world.

It is rare to find oils that truly contain the full spectrum of cannabis flowers. We have managed to achieve just that with our unique manufacturing process. Our pure natural oil has a strong flower aroma and reflects the full range of active ingredients found in the flower. You will only find this quality and the special aroma with us!

Terpene profile (notes)
30% CBD oil full spectrum Lucky Hemp Ingredients
A truly unique oil in the world

For us, it is important that all the beneficial active ingredients of the blossom really flow into our full-spectrum oil. We carefully select our blossoms so that only the best blossoms that meet our quality standards are used. All the natural substances are extracted from these in a gentle manufacturing process and transformed into a special full-spectrum oil.

Lucky Hemp EU Logo

Not just any CBD oil. The real full spectrum oil.

30% CBD oil full spectrum Lucky Hemp Not just any CBD oil. The real full spectrum oil.
  • Patented extraction, extra gentle
  • 100% of all active ingredients contained
  • Residue-free
  • All natural terpenes contain
  • Exclusively flowers used
  • Sustainable bamboo and borosilicate glass
  • Alcohol or CO2 extraction
  • Loss of active substances due to the above
  • Residues of e.g. ethanol
  • Bitter or without taste
  • Inferior plant parts
  • Plastic and amber glass

What makes our oils so special

Lucky Hemp EU Everything without additives
Everything without additives

Our production processes mean that our products do not need to be subsequently mixed. Everything is in the best organic quality. No addition of terpenes necessary. Just pure nature and an incomparable aroma.

Lucky Hemp EU Patented process
Patented process

Our processes are unique worldwide. Through smart technology we can guarantee that our products really contain ALL the ingredients of the plant.

Lucky Hemp EU Laboratory-tested quality
Laboratory-tested quality

All our products are tested by independent laboratories before bottling. Free from any pollutants, rich in plant-derived ingredients and absolutely sustainable.

Frequently asked questions

Is the 30% CBD full spectrum oil right for me?
The 30% CBD full spectrum oil is the strongest oil you can buy from us. We only recommend it to people who are already well acquainted with CBD and know what dosage they need. If the other oils have not brought you the desired effect, the 30% oil is the right choice. It contains three times as much CBD as the 10% oil.
Can you use CBD oils as often as you like?
It is not possible to take too much CBD. Therefore, you can theoretically use the oil as often as you like. However, we would recommend starting with one to two drops and then increasing to the desired effect. As our oils are natural products, everyone reacts differently to them. It can sometimes take time for the oil to work for you, as the active ingredients have to dock first. Read more about this in our blog.
Why should I buy an oil from Lucky Hemp®?
Almost every customer who has bought an oil from us has been very satisfied. With us you buy a pure natural oil that contains the full spectrum of the flower. Through our gentle manufacturing process, we obtain a CBD oil with exceptional quality. You won't find this process and our quality with any other manufacturer.
Which oil should I buy? I am not sure which oil is right for me.
If you are looking for a really strong oil, the 30% CBD oil full spectrum is the right choice for you. If you are not sure which oil suits you best, we recommend our trial sets. With these you can test different oils and try out which CBD oil suits you best. Since our oils are natural products, they work differently for everyone. We therefore recommend taking your time when using them and checking when the desired effect occurs.
What makes your bottles so special?
For us at Lucky Hemp, the planet and nature are very important! Each of our bottles is filled with a pure natural oil and we try to continue this thought with the bottles and the packaging. We try to make each of our packaging as sustainable as possible. Each of our bottles is made with a bamboo lid and borosilicate glass. Our outer packaging is made of recycled paper and we do not use labels and unnecessary stickers or tape on the packages. We always try to use sustainable materials and to protect nature.
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CBD Oil 30% - High CBD product in premium quality by Lucky Hemp®.

Our CBD oil 30% contains at least 3000 mg CBD. It is produced according to the unique, patented process for perfect CBD enjoyment and is therefore highly concentrated for maximum potency.

Lucky Hemp®'s CBD Oil 30% is not aimed at beginners, but is intended for experienced users who are already well versed in our products. It is a full-spectrum oil that is intended to bring the whole range of effects of the hemp flower to fruition.

CBD oil 30 percent: Effect and dosage of our premium oil

Next to THC,CBD is the most diligently researched cannabinoid that you can find in the hemp plant. The THC content in our CBD oil 30 is less than 0.06%, whereas the CBD content is around 29.49%. This high content speaks for an increased effectiveness, which is confirmed to us again and again. So far, there are not enough scientific studies to actually prove the effects of CBD. However, the WHO has stated that it is a safe substance.

Since you still want to know how CBD oil 30% can work for you, we will tell you what experienced users say:

Our CBD oil 30 has a high dosage and is therefore more effective than a full-spectrum oil, which only contains 5% of the active ingredient. This means that you can either use more or less.

Is our CBD oil 30% the right choice for you?

You are still not sure whether CBD oil 30% is the right choice for you? If you are looking for a really strong full-spectrum oil that is produced in a patented way, then you have found it here. We make it especially easy for you and allow you to simply test out what suits you with our trial sets.

Depending on your desired effect and the symptoms you may have, a CBD oil with 30% concentration may suit you well or even be too strong. All our CBD oils are natural products and contain no harmful additives.

Each flower used is unique, just like you. How our CBD oil 30% works for you also depends on you and your body. Take your time and find out which dose is right for you and which oil you feel most comfortable with.

Buy CBD oil 30 percent - now here at Lucky Hemp®!

You want to avoid harmful residues of alcohol extraction? Quality is important to you and you want to know where your CBD oil with 30% CBD comes from? Then you can now buy a CBD product in our shop that is unique in the world and that you can't get anywhere else. Our extraction process is patented and ensures that you get the purest full-spectrum oil you have ever experienced.


30% Full Spectrum Oil: What makes it stand out?

Full spectrum is more than just a word for us, because our CBD oil 30% really contains what we promise. You find supposed top products on every corner, but do they contain what you actually wanted? What makes CBD oil 30% from Lucky Hemp stand out?

We will tell you:

  • all natural terpenes are retained during the production process

  • worldwide unique product

  • no residues of ethanol and other harmful substances

  • production exclusively from flowers

  • extraction process patented and unique

All our CBD products have to go through special procedures before you can buy them from us. For example, our CBD oil 30 percent is only shipped to you after independent laboratories have determined its quality. You want guaranteed freedom from harmful substances? Do you rely on the plant's own ingredients and thankfully do without artificial terpenes? Then our CBD oil 30% is the right product for you.


Experienced users say: the dosage is a personal matter

We are often asked which dosage is suitable for our CBD oil 30%. There is no general answer to this, as CBD is generally used in the feel-good dose. At this point, we would like to remind you that our CBD oil 30% is the strongest product in the shop.

If you don't have any CBD experience yet, first go for a low-dose preparation, of course also in the usual Lucky Hemp® quality. The dosage depends on the desired effect. We recommend a gradual dosage - start slowly and increase as needed. In the beginning, a 10% CBD oil is enough to get your body used to the active ingredient.

If the desired effect does not occur, increase the dose over time. You can continue this increase until you achieve the desired effect. You cannot overdose on CBD, even our CBD oil 30% is well tolerated. As we also describe in our FAQ below, you can use CBD oils as often as you like. However, it is important that you do not start from 0 to 100, but take your time to find the right dosage.

You can read more about the use of CBD oil in our blog post.


Is the CBD oil 30% from Lucky Hemp® really legal?

Again and again we hear the question if our CBD oil 30% is legal at all. It is, even though it is a really strong product that you can't buy anywhere else in this form. CBD oil 30% contains a maximum of 0.06% THC and is therefore completely legal to buy.

A THC content of up to 0.2% is allowed in Germany. With our high-premium CBD oil 30%, we don't want to offer you an inferior product, but a high-quality natural product with the best full-spectrum cannabinoid flower juice.